Wednesday, July 20, 2005

Where's My T-shirt?

Well, I went to Wal-Mart yesterday with both kiddos in tow. I'm shocked to report that it went not only bearable but very well. I really feel like I earned a shirt that says, "I survived Wal-Mart alone with both of my kids."

Maybe the t-shirts come when you have "harrowing" experiences like my previous grocery store "event" I blogged about. Normal, calm, uneventful outings go by the wayside. Although my shirt hasn't showed up from that now infamous grocery store catastrophe.

But boy oh boy was I excited yesterday! I think my baby has turned a corner. He still has his rotten sounding screeches but they are getting fewer and further between. He doesn't cry nearly as much as he used to. I don't know, maybe I've gotten faster at shoveling in his bites of food. And maybe I've gotten more attentive to him wanting to be picked up. In some way we've had a change around here and it's a great thing.

Thank You, Father, for this "calm after the storm" that we're living right now. Thank You for the blessing of my kiddos and that I am able and willing to to be all wrapped up in their little worlds! - Lesa

"If God had meant for today to be perfect, He would not have invented tomorrows." - Author Unknown

Saturday, July 16, 2005

Closer to Jesus

This summer has been a series of big steps for me. Letting go of my four year old as she ventured off into the unfamiliar world of arts and crafts class and tumbling was difficult. Then the week-long Mini Skyhawks camp came and I thought I would burst from anxiety.

Luckily I found the presence of mind to pray amid my tears (yeah, I'm weird) that God would keep her safe and watch over her, and if He could keep her in once piece for my return. Little did I know she has the whole prayer thing and relationship with God covered herself.

On the last day of camp parents were invited to stay as the kids ran relays and played tournament style soccer and basketball. I had just helped Trini with her water break and was walking back to my seat when a voice said, "She is so precious!"

I turned to find another mom gushing over my child. The woman recalled, "A couple of days ago she was watching some of the other kids climb a tree outside by the soccer field. After a few minutes she said, 'The only reason I would like to climb a tree is to be closer to Jesus.' "

I was blown away. My baby sees Jesus everywhere. God really is in all things for her. I'm so proud that we've raised her to feel that way. And I must admit that I'm ashamed that I'm not nearly as good about it as she is.

My children teach me so much about life. Patience is a prerequisite of living, not just motherhood. My kindness and gentleness, or lack thereof, are reflected in their little actions. Quiet words often make more of an impact than shouting. And now, getting closer to Jesus is the goal of all goals.

Thank you Father for leading Mark and I to raise our babies for you. Thank you that they can see the good in all things, except maybe bedtime. Thank you that we can mimic them when our faith dwindles or when we put seeking a closer relationship with You on the back burner. Through Your Son I pray ... Amen. - Lesa

"To acquire knowledge, one must study; but to acquire wisdom, one must observe." - Marilyn Vos Savant