Started on 7/13/11
Completed on 8/28/11
Technique: Applique'
Don't fall over from shock. I'm back. For now. What a difficult time I have had getting back to my blog. The last week and a half has just flown by and I'm not sure I could even innumerate what all I've done!
So, on to the task and topic at hand. Here is the next block of my awesome Amish Quilt. It is kind of funny to make a corn cob on a quilt block. But don't ya know it sure fits in on this quilt! I am thinking that when I quilt it I will make tiny circles on the yellow part for kernels and lines for veins on the leaves.
A cornshucking event, as I understand it, is generally held for the Amish teens to gather and socialize. The boys choose a girl and the pair begins shucking corn rather quickly. I'm not sure if they give a prize to the fastest couple but I feel certain, though humility is stressed, they at least get bragging rights.
One book I read several months ago suggested that an ear of corn was colored red. The couple to find that got a special prize such as a pie or other baked item I believe.
I know I'm old fashioned and probably not the coolest kid on the block, but this sounds so fun to me. It sounds like pure, unadulterated, all out fun. How does someone like me, living in the technologically savvy world I live in, with more concrete around me than trees give my children that kind of experience? How can I teach them in the "modern-ness" of today how easy it can be to have pure and simple, clean, old time fun?
I don't think I've had a chance to work on my "I Believe" quilt since I last posted. I have about half of the large outer border left to quilt still. My friend Elizabeth has asked me to make a quilt to hang in her new home. She's currently scouring websites and magazines for a pattern she likes.
Hey ... if you ever get bored, check out my new blog. It probably won't be every day either but it is a spiritual / devotional blog that will just share notes I make during my daily devotions. You may find "A Patchwork Heart" at:
Father, may I continue to seek peace in Your Presence. May You deliver me from the strongholds that are weighing me down. Bless the efforts I'm making in Your name. Thank You for the life You have blessed me with.
Blessings Y'all!
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